Monday, April 4, 2011

Heavenly Father Answers Prayers

Heavenly Father loves us, is there for us all, and definitely answers our prayers each and every day. If you take the time to listen, no matter how big or small the question or request, Heavenly Father will answer your prayers and I can personally attest to that fact.

A couple of weeks ago I taught my primary students about prayer. It was a great lesson, the kind of lesson that not only teaches the students, but allows for me to learn more as well. I was reminded of the proper way to pray and that each prayer should be a special conversation with my Heavenly Father. Prayers should not always be the same words and should not include "vain repetitions." If we can take the time to pray, we can take the time to truly express our feelings to our Father in Heaven and let him know what we are thankful for and what we need, not only for ourselves but for others as well. Because of this lesson, I was reminded that my prayers needed a slight adjustment and that I needed to strengthen my relationship with my Heavenly Father, and what better way than through prayer?

"We are all children of God. He loves us and knows our needs, and He wants us to communicate with Him through prayer. We should pray to Him and no one else. The Lord Jesus Christ commanded, “Ye must always pray unto the Father in my name” (3 Nephi 18:19). As we make a habit of approaching God in prayer, we will come to know Him and draw ever nearer to Him. Our desires will become more like His. We will be able to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that He is ready to give if we will but ask in faith."

I appreciate my opportunity to be a primary teacher and to learn more each and every week. I'm grateful for my testimony and for my chance to talk to my Heavenly Father whenever I'm in need. I'm grateful for my husband who has a very strong testimony and who taught me to never be ashamed to pray no matter where we are. I'm grateful for answered prayers both big and small and that the spirit is with me always. I'm grateful for the missionaries and all they do to share the gospel with those in need, including our neighbor Sally. I'm grateful for my savior, Jesus Christ and for all he has done for me. I'm grateful for the atonement and for my chance to be forgiven of my sins. I'm grateful that I was able to go through the temple with my husband and that we are sealed for time and all eternity. I'm grateful that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and that I have learned so much about faith in the last couple of years.

Also, although this might be a silly story, I wanted to share it so I can look back and remember it in the future. I want to remember that Heavenly Father is always there for me and that he always answers my prayers, if I take the time to listen, so here it goes:

Today while going to CVS Pharmacy to pick up my EXPENSIVE prescription, I thought about how we could really use some paper towels. I decided that we didn't NEED them and that we could really save the $10.00 or so because we've had some unexpected expenses come up this month and I'd just rather use a towel, haha. So needless to say, I decided that I'd just go in for my prescription and that's it. I went in, got my prescription and paid, and I noticed that the receipt was EXTRA long tonight. The pharmacist explained that there was some coupons at the bottom of my receipt and went on to tell me to have a good night. Before I left the store I decided to look at what the coupons were for my pleasant surprise I had 3 coupons. One for $3.00 off of an 8 pack of paper towels, $1.00 off an 8 pack of paper towels, and $2.50 in Extra Care bucks. I happily went and grabbed the paper towels, took them up to the cashier, and purchased them for less than HALF the original cost. I know this may seem like a mere coincidence, but I know that because of the power of prayer and because I keep my covenants with my Heavenly Father, he helps me when I'm in need. While these just may be some paper towels, they really will help us and the discounted price definitely helps a Newlywed Couple. My prayers were answered tonight, and are answered often and I love the feeling of knowing Heavenly Father is there for me.

I hope each and everyone of you are able to see your blessings, both big and small in your life. Don't forget to thank your Heavenly Father each day for all that he has given you. With Heavenly Father, all things are possible. I was able to meet the love of my life in 2008, and marry him in 2010 because Heavenly Father has a plan for me.

I thank Heavenly Father each day for all of my blessings, including my biggest blessing of all, being with Andrew forever. :]


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