Each year since we've been together, when Andrew's birthday rolls around, I center his gift around the reasons why I love him.
When we were dating, and planned a trip to Disneyland I told him 22 reasons why I love him and coordinated each reason with parts of his gift.
I got him a few big things and then a lot of his favorites, each with a reason attached.
To better explain myself I'll just show you the pictures:
Everything all wrapped up.
Us at Disneyland!
LOVED those shoes. These pictures definitely are motivation to get skinny again!
My cute hubby (at the time, boyfriend) on his birthday.
Andrew after our fun day, ready to open his gifts at Grandma Lawrence's house in California.
Andrew LOVED his gift and I loved the way it turned out so I decided I wanted to do the same thing on his 23rd birthday.
This time I did 23 reasons why I love my hubby:
Again, I coordinated a reason with each gift.
My cute husband with his gift.
Us at Mt. Charleston for his birthday.
After I had done this gift twice, I knew how much it meant to both of us and that it was really sentimental. I knew that I wanted to continue the tradition when Andrew turned 24 this year, however Andrew's wish list included many more expensive items that would make it hard for me to buy 24 gifts to go with each reason.
After thinking about it, I decided I wanted a way to keep the tradition alive but also make it so Andrew can look at the reasons all year long instead of once on his birthday and then toss out the papers. (I will say that he kept the 22 reasons while we were dating and put them in his house, but once we got married I didn't expect him to display the reasons in his adventure room).
After brainstorming I came up with: "The Many Reasons Why I Love You" book.
I wanted to do a book this year because I figured, no matter what Andrew wants for his birthday I can always tell him how much I love him. Each year I will add one more reason why I love him to the book and re-wrap it and give it to him with the rest of what I give him.
Since many of us are always looking for cute gifts for our significant other, I figured I'd share how I made this with all of you.
If you want to make one of your own, here is what you'll need:
A scrapbook album or photo album of your choice. I chose to use an 8 by 8 album in black that is capable of having more pages added to it.
A couple of pictures (or a lot of pictures if you choose)
Extra sheet protector inserts (and if you're like me and end up buying one with only one extender piece for the scrapbook, you'll need more extenders)
Cute paper
A paper cutter
24 (or how ever old your spouse is) reasons why you love them. (You could also do this as an anniversary gift and alter it accordingly).
I recommend starting by planning out the reasons you want to say first.
This year I didn't plan out all my reasons before going to Hobby Lobby and instead let the paper influence some of my reasons.
Either way works, and it all depends on how you want to get your book together.
I went to the paper aisle and started looking at the paper they had to offer.
When I saw paper that reminded me of Andrew, I immediately picked it up. I also had a color scheme in mind when shopping and bought cute paper in blacks, creams, and browns so it would all coordinate.
At first I only bought 24 pieces, but then decided it'd be good to already have similar paper on hand for future years, but it's up to you what you'd like to do.
After I picked out my main background paper, I bought a pack of black paper and a pack of neutrals, got the rest of my supplies and headed home.
When I finally started working on the project I started out by cutting each background piece of paper into the appropriate size (in my case it was 8 by 8).
All throughout doing the project I brainstormed the reasons I wanted to mention to Andrew and started planning out how I wanted my book to look.
Once the main pages were cut, I took a coordinating neutral and cut it into a 5 by 5 square.
I then took white paper and cut 24 4 by 4 squares out so I could write my reasons down.
Once all my papers were cut out I sat down to work on writing out my reasons.
I knew I wanted to write them myself to add a personal touch to the book, however typing them would be really cute as well.
I went page by page and used brown and black markers to write my reasons down so everything looked put together.
At first I didn't think I wanted to include any pictures, however as I got going I decided a few pictures here and there would really make the gift more personal so I decided that every 4 or so reasons I would add a picture.
You can add a picture for each reason if you'd like, you'll just have to buy a scrapbook or photo book to accommodate the amount of paper you will be using.
Above is a picture of my supplies and my work station.
Once I had all my pages planned out, cut, and completed, I got out my hot glue gun and got to work finalizing my project.
I took an 8 by 8 paper, and centered a 5 by 5 neutral on top and glued it in place.
I then took a 4 by 4 white piece of paper with my reason already written on it, and centered it and glued it down as well.
Once I hot glued them all together, I put them in my book and started organizing.
It took a few tries, but I finally organized it the way I wanted it and it turned into a book I LOVE.
Here are some pictures of the finished product (not in any order):
Above are some of the examples of pages I did with pictures as well. I wanted the same paper on the reason page as well as the picture page so I had to plan accordingly.
Above is an example of a page with just reasons and no pictures. Some of my paper relates to the reasoning and some was just really cute.
Here is an example of a page I wasn't planning on having a picture with, but decided to add a picture to later. I need to go buy more fish paper and finish the page.
In the book I was sure to leave the blank pages so Andrew knew this was a work in progress.
I told him that each year I would add another reason and keep our tradition going.
Here is the birthday boy with his present:
*Unfortunately this is the only picture from his birthday because my camera is ruined.
Until I get a new one, we'll have to settle with camera phone pictures.*
I love my husband so much and I'm grateful that each year (and every day) I get to remind him how much he means to me and how grateful I am for all he does.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and it inspires you to do a similar project for your loved one.
If you end up doing a similar project, please be sure to share it with me so I can see your cute final projects.
Please see my sidebar to see the many places I linked my project to. You should link up too! :]