If you've been around for awhile you know that I keep complaining about my weight. Complaining, that is, with no results.
After the way I feel, after realizing I weigh the MOST I've ever weighed, after realizing my clothes don't fit like they used to...at all, and after seeing myself in pictures, I'm just COMPLETELY FED UP.
I'm ready to STOP making excuses and to get my butt in gear.
You see, this isn't my first rodeo. Growing up I was pretty much always heavy. I DID lose SOME weight in eighth grade/freshman year, but after I stopped playing volleyball my sophomore year it was all down hill from there.
In high school I gained a TON of weight and was really unhappy with how I looked.
Looking back at pictures, I'm sad that I even let myself get that way. One picture I hate, that I have access to is this one:
My face is just so puffy, and I'm not who I see in the mirror. That's one of the worst things about being overweight, sometimes you think you look SO good, and then you see a picture and become really upset.
Anyways, back to the story. During my Senior year, something hit me and I decided to join Weight Watchers with my Aunt Lisa. (Who by the way is SUPER amazing and not only lost almost 100 pounds doing Weight Watchers, but has KEPT IT OFF) It was my saving grace and I lost over 50 lbs doing the program.
I felt WONDERFUL and kept dreaming of losing even more weight.
I feel stupid NOW that I wasn't always happy with how I looked, when today I would LOVE to be that weight.
Here is one of my most favorite pictures from my "skinny days."
Oh how I wish I looked like this again.
But alas, that is not the case. I got married to the LOVE of my life. We kept going on fun dates and eating out. I stopped watching what I was eating. And eventually I stepped on the scale and saw a SCARY number. Not only do I see a SCARY number, but I get really upset when I try to look cute for my husband and nothing fits. I also get super upset when I DO get all dressed up and feel super cute and confident, and then see a picture of myself. For example:
This was for one of my best friend's birthday parties. I went and bought an outfit and felt SUPER cute before I left the house. I had my hair and make up done and just felt so confident. That is..until I saw this picture. I wouldn't even send it to Steph to post because I felt so disgusted about it. This, along with many other things pushed me to the edge and it HIT ME that I need a change.
I stopped eating fast food a month or so ago...which is good, but with what seems like no results. I also have been doing Jazzercise for a month or so and it KICKS my butt, but again..with no results on the scale. I've joined Weight Watchers on and off since being married (because I know it works) but just can't keep motivated. I know I'm obviously not doing enough...
Which BRINGS ME to the reason why I am making this post.
I am going to be sharing with EVERYONE my weight loss journey.
Because, I know I'm not the only one who gained a TON of weight after being married.
Because, I know there are others out there who just need some accountability to help them reach their weight loss goals.
Because, if I have faith and stay motivated, I WILL look like my "skinny" picture again.
Also, I DREAM of having babies some day soon, but just can't imagine adding MORE weight to my unhealthy weight. So, for not only myself, but for my husband, AND my future family, I am going to GET HEALTHY NOW.
You may be wondering: Well how will this all work?
While I AM working out the kinks still because this is all new to me, I will give you the low down right now.
Each week I will WEIGH IN. While I will never expose how much I actually WEIGH (until the end when I'm at my goal weight) I will give updates on how much I have LOST and how much I WANT TO LOSE.
I will have two goal weight numbers: the first weight will be the weight I want to be before I start trying to have babies, and the second will be my DREAM weight in which I hope to stay at for my entire life so I can be healthy not only for myself, but for my family.
Each Monday I will post pictures of my progress to keep me motivated, and to be able to look back on my journey in hopes to never return to my "bad weight" again.
Also, if it helps others, I can start doing a "link up party" in which others can share their weight loss journey as well.
Today I weighed in and need to lose:
73.2 POUNDS to reach my "baby making weight."
103.2 POUNDS to reach my lifetime goal weight.
Here are some pictures of how I look TODAY and of hopefully how I will never look again:
(Just a side note, this picture DID remind me of a prego picture someone would take to track their baby's growth...but this however, is not the case, haha).
Please excuse my workout clothes and bad make-up/hair. I HAD to take pictures today or I would have put this off even more. So I'm glad I had the courage to put these up.
Speaking of working out, today I started my journey out right by not only GOING to Jazzercise, but WALKING there. Not only did I walk there, but I walked there with a 10 pound weight vest on. I almost regretted my decision half way there, but am now super proud of myself and hope to someday RUN to Jazzercise and maybe even take the class with a weight vest on.
I found out on Google Maps that my walk was over 2.5 miles long total and I am glad that I chose to walk instead of driving. I hope the weather stays nice for a bit longer so I can continue to walk for the next month or so. :]
I am super proud of my decision and proud that I gave up not one but THREE offers for rides home. I stuck with my plan and walked there AND back, all with my weight vest on.
Hopefully I can do the same tomorrow!
The only thing that MAY hold me back is this bad boy:
Yes ma'm. That IS a horrible blister. Not only is it a blister, but it's a blister inside of what ALREADY was a blister. The other day I had a surprise walk around campus because of my Geography Lab which created a blister. Then last night I got annoyed and clipped the old blister away, not thinking about the consequences.
I now have learned that old blisters can be removed, but NEW BLISTERS may form. Blisters that hurt even worse. Needless to say, I'm hoping this goes away SOON, and I will NOT mess with it...I hope.
I hope that I have the strength to keep up with this no matter what road blocks may get in the way and that I give others motivation in the process.
So...here's to my weight loss goal and everyone else's quest to be healthy as well! I hope we all find success on the road to healthier lifestyles.