Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In need of an update:

Hello all,

My life is full of many adventures. I can now say I've been to Costa Rica for goodness sakes. However, due to the fact that I would rather go to bed tonight than post about it, I'm going to just give a teaser picture and leave that story for another day (hopefully tomorrow).

I love traveling and look forward to many more adventures with the love of my life. I also hope that most of those trips can be just us two, because I just love being with him more than anyone else. Is that bad?

In other news, my poor puppy hurt her knee last Wednesday and we took her to the vet because of it. Because they wanted WAY TOO MUCH MONEY for x-rays we only got her pain medicine and she LOVES it. It may be the fact that we let her eat peanut butter with the pills so she gets tricked into taking them, but still. Our little puppy may have a love for pills, which would be bad if she was capable of taking them on her own. JOKE! We are just glad she is running around and happy again and will stop the meds on Wednesday or Thursday. She was probably fine the next night even, but just to be safe we wanted to give her something for the pain. We love Daisy so much even though she destroys SO MUCH STUFF and wouldn't be the same without her.

Also, my weight loss goals have NOT been successful. HOWEVER I've given up soda AND fast food and so far am doing good. It's only day 2 though so I hope I keep it up.

I better get to bed though so I can keep working on cleaning up our house. I am determined to have a House Warming Party BEFORE summers over.